Parallel 42 Releases Widows Peak for MSFS
The developer Parallel 42 (//42) has released another scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator, this time covering an off-field landing area…Parallel 42 Releases Circle B Ranch
Parallel 42 have released Circle B Ranch as their newest product for Microsoft Flight Simulator on their website. Circle B…Parallel 42 Announces the Super Patriot Mark II for MSFS
Parallel 42 have announced the Super Patriot Mark II as their next aircraft to come to MSFS. P42 are known…Parallel 42 Releases Marketplace Stars for MSFS PC and Xbox
Parallel 42 has taken to its website to release Marketplace Stars for the Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS) Marketplace. Parallel 42…Parallel 42 Releases 777 Immersion for MSFS
Parallel 42 recently announced the release of its 777 Immersion effects package for the PMDG 777 for Microsoft Flight Simulator.…Parallel 42 Announces The Legacy Collection for Their FSX/P3D Products and Their Future Plans in Add-on Development
Parallel 42 released a statement regarding their future as a developer for flight simulation add-ons. They will now focus fully…Parallel 42 Reveals 777 Immersion Package
The recent teaser by Parallel 42 showcased that the team is working on a 777 Immersion Package add-on for their…Parallel 42 Releases Victoria Falls Scenery Pack for MSFS
Parallel 42 took to their Facebook page to announce the release of their latest product: Victoria Falls Scenery Pack for…Parallel 42 Teases 777 Immersion for MSFS
Edson from Parallel 42 took to social media earlier today to announce and showcase the upcoming Boeing 777 Immersion for…Parallel 42 Releases A320 Immersion Package for MSFS
Parallel 42 have released their A320 Immersion package for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The developers had previously released SimFX which has…