22.10.2020 – 10:47z

FlightFactor Further Previews 787 Pro for XP11

FlightFactor have taken to the X-Plane.org forums to reveal further previews of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner Pro for X-Plane 11.

The developers have chosen only to show images at this current time. As the process is in the early stages, images are of the render stage only but they do give an indication of what is to come. The level of accuracy seems to be very high with everything modelled as you would expect in the Dreamliner.

FlightFactor have a reputation of producing study level aircraft, so expectations will be high for this release. The developers are sure to release more details as they progress.

Read also: Orbx Releases Hexa VTOL Aircraft for Microsoft Flight Simulator

The 787 Dreamliner is a wide bodied jet airliner produced by Boeing. It entered commercial service in 2011. It can carry up to 300 passengers and has a range of up to 8,500 nautical miles (16,000 km).

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