30.10.2020 – 16:28z

TDM Scenery Design Preview La Coruna Airport for MSFS

TDM Scenery Design have taken to social media to preview La Coruna Airport (LECO) for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

In the posts, they show their progress through some screenshots. They choose not to give any explanations, other than suggesting that the main Terminal and technical block are painted, and that the PBR materials have been applied.

No indication has been given of a release date, or on how much the addon will cost. In the meantime, as the developer’s suggest, enjoy the screenshots.

Read also: RW Profiles Releases New Springfield-Branson National for MSFS

La Coruna Airport is located in northwest Spain, in the municipality of Culleredo. Over 1.3 million passengers used the airport in 2019. It is currently undergoing expansion with an improvement of parking facilities, an upgrade of the ILS system to Cat. III, expanded aircraft parking, and a short runway expansion.

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