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10.5.2024 - 14:55z
Orbx’s Kola Terrain for DCS: Available Now!
DCS Kola can only be described as a map of massive scale and enormous passion. The Kola Terrain for DCS…
23.9.2024 - 20:04z
Simcident Report: Did Xbox Kill Flight Sim? The (First) Rise and Fall of Microsoft Flight Simulator
Welcome to the story of the (first) rise and fall of Microsoft Flight Simulator, and chronicle flight simulations fall from…
26.11.2023 - 22:58z
Simcident Report: Can Flight Sim Get You Arrested? The Bizarre Stories of Simmers Swept Up By Law Enforcement Post-9/11
Today, we we examine the bizarre stories of how post-9/11 surveillance state got the police sent to the home of…
11.9.2023 - 07:01z
Simcident Report: 9/11 and The War on Flight Sim – A Look at Moral Outrage and Simming in the Wake of the September 11th Attacks
Today, we examine how the September 11th attacks changed the flight sim world, and the ensuing backlash against the hobby…
4.5.2023 - 13:31z
Simcident Report: The SATCO Schism, The Rocky Origins of Online ATC and the Rise of VATSIM and IVAO
This is the story of SATCO, flight sims premier multiplayer ATC network, and how it was torn apart by secretive…
27.1.2023 - 20:30z
Simcident Report: Massacre at Meigs Field – The Ill-Fated Fight to Save Flight Sim’s Most Famous Airport
The story of how the illegal overnight destruction of Chicago’s tiny Meigs Field drew the ire of thousands of people…
16.12.2022 - 18:56z
Simcident Report: How Walker Air Transport’s Recruiting Campaign Spiraled into Accusations of Harassment, Intimidation, and Doxing
Welcome to Simcident Report, where we take a look at noteworthy, dramatic, and historic events in flight simming. Today we…
9.12.2022 - 17:00z
Simcident Report: How FlightSimCon Became FlightSimExpo
The story of the collapse of FlightSimCon and the rise of FlightSimExpo. How one convention split from another over creative differences and…
2.12.2022 - 16:00z
Simcident Report: The Papa Tango Affair
Today, we explore the story of Papa Tango. A developer who from 1999 to 2001, launched a series of legal…
25.11.2022 - 17:00z
Simcident Report: That Time FSLabs Shipped Actual Malware to Paying Customers
How a well-regarded developer of add-on aircraft sullied their reputation with the brilliant idea to ship malware with their product…