9.12.2019 – 16:51z

Orbx shares more P3D Gothenburg previews

Orbx have shared more preview details of their up and coming Gothenburg Landvetter ESGG airport.

For this preview Orbx have concentrated on showing off the weather effects of the scenery.

Orbx shares more P3D Gothenburg previews - Orbx, Prepar3D

“As anyone who’s ever been to Gothenburg knows, rain is the default weather” states Marcus Nybery, Orbx Developer, in his recent forum post.

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“I’ve spent quite a lot of effort trying to create the perfect rainy ambient feeling.” Marcus continues, “Winter has not been forgotten either, and we are talking both the beautiful white Christmas type, and the more muddy type where the snow is almost melting away in the December rain. With different environment effects depending on weather type, arriving to Gothenburg on a rainy December day when the snow is almost melting away or a sunny ice cold January day now will bring you a very different experience.”

Orbx has shared some screen shots of their upcoming P3D release, which up to now we have no release date for.

Orbx shares more P3D Gothenburg previews - Orbx, Prepar3D

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