12.4.2023 – 12:08z

BlueBird Simulations Further Details the 757 for MSFS

BlueBird Simulations has recently taken to the Just Flight website to share a new development update regarding their upcoming rendition of Boeing 757 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Since the last development update, the development of this aeroplane has taken a significant leap.

BlueBird Simulations mentions that despite the 757-200/300 being a big project, they have made significant progress over the past few months.

Firstly, the 757 now includes fully functional LNAV, VNAV, SID, STAR and holding simulation with regards to the current FMC capabilities. There is also a new, custom hydraulic, IRS and pneumatic system implemented. However, this is still being worked on and we will get more details later.

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The team isn’t forgetting about animations either, and there is now a custom spoiler animation based on the different spoiler functions. These all depend on different extension limits and times.

Speaking of the 3D model of the aircraft, the work on the virtual passenger cabin has been initiated. BlueBird Simulations team has added a plethora of details on the external model, such as the wings and fuselage, there are now all the flap track mechanisms, wiring harnesses and so on.

The virtual cockpit had also gained its revamp. There are new textures as well as animations and various parts. The preview of this work will be shown in the middle of the year, according to BlueBird Simulations.

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Speaking of sounds, the BlueBird Simulations team recorded a lot of sounds from the real 757, from the external APU start and shut down, hydraulics, flight deck, warnings, knobs, ambient sounds and engine sounds of both Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce engines.

BlueBird Simulations has ensured us that the project is still a deep work in progress. However, it seems to be progressing nicely. If you would like to learn more about BlueBird Simulations and their work, you can read about their Boeing 767 announcement here.

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