Boundless Simulations took to their Facebook page yesterday to announce the release of their rendition of San Sebastian Airport (LESO) for X-Plane 11.
Boundless states that the rendition features up-to-date ortho imagery and a fully custom terminal with airport buildings and nearby buildings for the utmost immersion for simmers. It includes the nearby towns of Hondarribia and Hendaye in order to add even more realism to approaches into the airport. It also includes custom autogen and nearby landmarks along with modeled local ports, 3D animated boats, and an optional 3D terrain mesh.
Further features of the rendition include custom sea textures, custom HD forests and vegetation, 3D volumetric grass, and 3D trees. The rendition features an accurate layout as of 2023 referenced from the latest charts. It also has optional animated ground traffic both airside and landside and all vehicles are custom HD PBR textured. Other features include fully custom dynamic lighting reflecting real-world lighting tones, fully accurate ground markings, accurately modeled cracks/wear & tear, and thousands of accurately placed textures and objects.
San Sebastian, officially known as Donostia/San Sebastiรกn, is a city located in the Basque Autonomous Community, Spain. It is also a part of Basque Eurocity Bayonne-San Sebastiรกn. San Sebastian is a popular tourist destination and events such as the San Sebastiรกn International Film Festival and the San Sebastian Jazz Festival have given it an international dimension. San Sebastian, along with Wrocลaw, Poland, was the European Capital of Culture in 2016.
Boundless’ San Sebastian Airport is currently on an introductory discount offer of 20% until next Saturday, April 22nd, and can be bought here, at the Boundless Simulations store. It currently retails for GBP 13.59. San Sebastian Airport is currently not available for X-Plane 12 due to terrain mesh and coastline limitations. Once a fix is available, Boundless will release a free X-Plane 12 upgrade. Do read our review of the MK-Studios’ rendition of Dublin Airport v2 for MSFS here.
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