
Carenado Fokker 50 for X-Plane 11 Released


It’s about two weeks since Carenado shared previews, and over a month since Carenado announced the new Fokker 50 (F50) for X-Plane 11. Today, without any Facebook announcements made, Carenado released the Fokker 50.

The Fokker 50 is a turboprop-powered airliner manufactured by Fokker in Netherlands. It was produced between 1985 and 1997 and over 200 units were build.

Carenado Fokker 50 can be now purchased in Carenado store for $39,95, redirect me. (this is not an affiliate link)

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Feature list

  • High-end 4k PBR (Physically-based Rendering) graphics throughout, with ultra-realistic materials rendition (Dynamic reflections, realistic metal and dielectric materials, etc.)
  • Fully customized in-depth annunciator logic/aural warning logic, throttle logic with functioning reverser gates.
  • Optimized for VR.
  • Integrated FMS with detachable pop-up window (Laminar default)
  • Custom Autopilot with detachable pop-up window
  • Rain effect support* (Librain support also includes visual ice effects on windows).
  • In-depth FMOD sound design implementation, including distance effects, realistic prop blade reversal effects, etc.
  • RealityXP GTN750 support (with 3D panel display support)
  • Custom electrical system/Starter Logic/Fuel System/Bleed Air System/Hydraulic Logic
  • Extensive VR support
  • Extensive HDR lighting with gimballed 3D lights and dynamically illuminated ice lights for amazing night lighting effects.
  • Includes pressurization system.
  • End-user customizable via Manifest.json file.
  • Goodway compatible
  • Engine design optimized for XP11.30โ€™s jet engine model

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.


It’s about two weeks since Carenado shared previews, and over a month since Carenado announced the new Fokker 50 (F50) for X-Plane 11. Today, without any Facebook announcements made, Carenado released the Fokker 50.

The Fokker 50 is a turboprop-powered airliner manufactured by Fokker in Netherlands. It was produced between 1985 and 1997 and over 200 units were build.

Carenado Fokker 50 can be now purchased in Carenado store for $39,95, redirect me. (this is not an affiliate link)

Read also: Miltech Simulations Announces the MH-60 for MSFS




Feature list

  • High-end 4k PBR (Physically-based Rendering) graphics throughout, with ultra-realistic materials rendition (Dynamic reflections, realistic metal and dielectric materials, etc.)
  • Fully customized in-depth annunciator logic/aural warning logic, throttle logic with functioning reverser gates.
  • Optimized for VR.
  • Integrated FMS with detachable pop-up window (Laminar default)
  • Custom Autopilot with detachable pop-up window
  • Rain effect support* (Librain support also includes visual ice effects on windows).
  • In-depth FMOD sound design implementation, including distance effects, realistic prop blade reversal effects, etc.
  • RealityXP GTN750 support (with 3D panel display support)
  • Custom electrical system/Starter Logic/Fuel System/Bleed Air System/Hydraulic Logic
  • Extensive VR support
  • Extensive HDR lighting with gimballed 3D lights and dynamically illuminated ice lights for amazing night lighting effects.
  • Includes pressurization system.
  • End-user customizable via Manifest.json file.
  • Goodway compatible
  • Engine design optimized for XP11.30โ€™s jet engine model

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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