
Carenado Previews WYMF-5 for MSFS


Well known general aviation developer, Carenado, have taken to their Facebook page to preview their latest project for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the iconic Waco YMF-5.

Their post only features screenshots, but in this case a picture does paint a thousand words. The modeling looks precise, with rivets and panels especially detailed, particularly when light bounces off the surface. The cockpit, from what can be seen, also looks intricately detailed.

No release date or pricing has been revealed, but the screenshots indicate that they are well into the process.

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The Waco YMF-5 is a timeless classic, originally conceived in the 1930’s. Models made today pay homage to that original bi-plane design, though with added modern features. It comes with a Jacobs R755A2 engine that produces 300 horsepower allowing the plane to cruise at a speed of 115 MPH, and giving a stall speed of 59 MPH.

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Well known general aviation developer, Carenado, have taken to their Facebook page to preview their latest project for Microsoft Flight Simulator, the iconic Waco YMF-5.

Their post only features screenshots, but in this case a picture does paint a thousand words. The modeling looks precise, with rivets and panels especially detailed, particularly when light bounces off the surface. The cockpit, from what can be seen, also looks intricately detailed.

No release date or pricing has been revealed, but the screenshots indicate that they are well into the process.

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The Waco YMF-5 is a timeless classic, originally conceived in the 1930’s. Models made today pay homage to that original bi-plane design, though with added modern features. It comes with a Jacobs R755A2 engine that produces 300 horsepower allowing the plane to cruise at a speed of 115 MPH, and giving a stall speed of 59 MPH.

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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