
FreedomFox / Fox 2 for MSFS by P42 Receives Huge Update


Parallel42 announced via their blog post earlier this week that they have pushed a major update for their rendition of the FreedomFox / Fox 2 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The new update introduces a slew of changes, improvements, and fixes that take advantage of the latest SU15 from MSFS.

What’s New in the FreedomFox / Fox 2?

P42’s Fox 2 based on the real-world Series 5 Kitfox STi (STOL-inspired), features a new analog variant along with a competition variant. The competition variant is basically a Fox 2 which has its weight reduced and performance tuned. Both the Freedom Fox / Fox 2 now feature CFD (computational flight dynamics), a relatively new feature in MSFS that allows developers to better leverage the in-sim environment and its various factors.

New friction parameters have been added on both ground and braking so nose-over landings are less common now on both the FreedomFox / Fox 2. The G3X avionics unit has also received an update. Moreover, the FreedomFox has been updated with the new Trent Palmer Hangar and new Flow Virtual Keyfob capabilities to open hangar doors and control lights. New liveries have also been added bringing the total up to more than 30.

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Fixes and Improvements

The FreedomFox / Fox 2’s 3D rudder pedals no longer overlap when in use, many of the liveries have received corrections, and the lower fuselage transport point issue has also been patched. The engine cowling’s 3D texture and model overlapping have also been corrected as has been the various seat textures inside the aircraft.

Many quality-of-life changes have also been made to the lighting of the aircraft, a click spot has been added to return doors to their default position if they are removed, and the notepad inside the cockpit now has a QR code linking users to the product’s wiki page.

Closing Notes

The latest update from Parallel 42 for their FreedomFox / Fox 2 can be downloaded from their website as long as you own a copy of it and are logged into your account. The aircraft can be purchased for EUR 39.95, exclusive of taxes if you haven’t already. For more flight sim-related news, announcements, updates, releases, and more, do check out our other articles on FSNews.

Read also: Miltech Simulations Announces the MH-60 for MSFS

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.


Parallel42 announced via their blog post earlier this week that they have pushed a major update for their rendition of the FreedomFox / Fox 2 for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The new update introduces a slew of changes, improvements, and fixes that take advantage of the latest SU15 from MSFS.

What’s New in the FreedomFox / Fox 2?

P42’s Fox 2 based on the real-world Series 5 Kitfox STi (STOL-inspired), features a new analog variant along with a competition variant. The competition variant is basically a Fox 2 which has its weight reduced and performance tuned. Both the Freedom Fox / Fox 2 now feature CFD (computational flight dynamics), a relatively new feature in MSFS that allows developers to better leverage the in-sim environment and its various factors.

New friction parameters have been added on both ground and braking so nose-over landings are less common now on both the FreedomFox / Fox 2. The G3X avionics unit has also received an update. Moreover, the FreedomFox has been updated with the new Trent Palmer Hangar and new Flow Virtual Keyfob capabilities to open hangar doors and control lights. New liveries have also been added bringing the total up to more than 30.

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Fixes and Improvements

The FreedomFox / Fox 2’s 3D rudder pedals no longer overlap when in use, many of the liveries have received corrections, and the lower fuselage transport point issue has also been patched. The engine cowling’s 3D texture and model overlapping have also been corrected as has been the various seat textures inside the aircraft.

Many quality-of-life changes have also been made to the lighting of the aircraft, a click spot has been added to return doors to their default position if they are removed, and the notepad inside the cockpit now has a QR code linking users to the product’s wiki page.

Closing Notes

The latest update from Parallel 42 for their FreedomFox / Fox 2 can be downloaded from their website as long as you own a copy of it and are logged into your account. The aircraft can be purchased for EUR 39.95, exclusive of taxes if you haven’t already. For more flight sim-related news, announcements, updates, releases, and more, do check out our other articles on FSNews.

Read also: FSDG Releases Greenland Kulusuk for MSFS

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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