3.11.2022 – 17:46z

iniBuilds Announces San Antonio Landmarks and Helipads for MSFS

iniBuilds is proud to present the next scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator to the community, this time of San Antonio, Texas, USA. The scenery is going to bring the city to life with custom landmarks and local helipads.

The developer, who also made the scenery of the local airport in San Antonio for MSFS, is this time focusing on carefully and meticulously recreating the city, featuring all local landmarks as well as local helipads – the Del Rio Heliport and other helipads on top of local hospitals.

The scenery is set to feature true-to-life landmark lighting, thorough optimization of every object, and accurate placements of not only the buildings but also the red beacons atop the local skyscrapers. The city has a strong Hispanic heritage and a number of authentic landmarks, which are all, in addition to the typical skyscrapers, going to be represented as well.

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For helicopter pilots, there are going to be three different helipads included in the scenery to fully immersive yourself in downtown San Antonio.

iniBuilds made it clear that there is no ETA at this time. The previews do not represent the final product.

San Antonio is the second most populous city in Texas, United States. The city is especially known for the Alamo, a local monument that is also represented in the scenery, and its Hispanic heritage. The scenery of local landmarks will for sure come in handy with iniBuilds’ recreation of the local international airport, which you can read about here.

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