Read more about Microsoft Flight Simulator below
10.5.2024 - 14:55z
Orbx’s Kola Terrain for DCS: Available Now!
DCS Kola can only be described as a map of massive scale and enormous passion. The Kola Terrain for DCS…
7.10.2024 - 14:04z
Check Out These Exciting Previews of the Upcoming iFly 737 MAX 8 for MSFS
The iFly 737 MAX 8 for Microsoft Flight Simulator has been making headlines over the past few weeks as iFly…
7.10.2024 - 01:46z
Just Flight Releases New F70/100 Development Update
Developer Just Flight published a new development update for their upcoming F70/100 aircraft. It was posted on their website and…
6.10.2024 - 19:37z
BRsimDesigns Releases AA-5B Tiger for MSFS
BRsimDesigns released their latest aircraft, the AA-5B Tiger for Microsoft Flight Simulator on September 29, 2024. Tiny but full of…
6.10.2024 - 01:54z
Parallel42 737 Immersion Released for MSFS
Announced via their social media, Parallel42 returns with another immersion pack for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. Previously, they developed a…
5.10.2024 - 13:23z
Parallel 42 Releases Widows Peak for MSFS
The developer Parallel 42 (//42) has released another scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator, this time covering an off-field landing area…
4.10.2024 - 18:45z
PMDG Discloses More Information about MSFS 2024 Development
As mentioned in the previous development update, PMDG's Robert Randazzo has taken to the Forums once again this week, disclosing…
4.10.2024 - 10:07z
PMDG 777 Freighter in Beta, New Update for 777-300ER
PMDG's Robert Randazzo has taken to the PMDG Forums again to talk us through the recent happenings in the PMDG…
3.10.2024 - 20:53z
Aircraft and Avionics Update 3 Now Out for MSFS
MS/Asobo took to the Microsoft Flight Simulator forums to announce the release of the Aircraft and Avionics Update 3 for…
3.10.2024 - 02:54z
Atelic Announces Madeira Airport for MSFS
Atelic, a new developer founded in 2023, took to their Facebook page to announce their first add-on for Microsoft Flight…
2.10.2024 - 08:19z
REX Atmos Released For Microsoft Flight Simulator
REX Simulations has taken to its website to release its latest product, Atmos, an add-on for Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS).…