14.9.2019 – 14:16z

ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released

ORBX recently released their long-waited Cityscape for Honolulu. The scenery is quite unique, since it doesn´t cover only the city.

ORBX Cityscape Honolulu covers entire city of Honolulu and Oahu island. It includes photorealistic depictions of Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor and its city. It has over 20 000 unique custom buildings, made from real-world datas.

ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx


  • Complete Cityscene and region covering Oahu island and Honolulu
  • UltraHD photorealistic depiction of Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl harbor and its city
  • All Oahu airports
  • Custom and photoreal landclass textures for best balance
  • High quality mesh
  • Over 20 000 unique buildings
  • High detail POIs with PBR texturing
  • Stunning night lighting

You can get this scenery on their website for $27.47/AUD39.95/€24.63/£21.97 here.

Read also: iniBuilds Announces Brisbane Airport for MSFS 2024

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

ORBX recently released their long-waited Cityscape for Honolulu. The scenery is quite unique, since it doesn´t cover only the city.

ORBX Cityscape Honolulu covers entire city of Honolulu and Oahu island. It includes photorealistic depictions of Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl Harbor and its city. It has over 20 000 unique custom buildings, made from real-world datas.

ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx
ORBX Cityscape Honolulu for Prepar3D Released - Prepar3D, Orbx


  • Complete Cityscene and region covering Oahu island and Honolulu
  • UltraHD photorealistic depiction of Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl harbor and its city
  • All Oahu airports
  • Custom and photoreal landclass textures for best balance
  • High quality mesh
  • Over 20 000 unique buildings
  • High detail POIs with PBR texturing
  • Stunning night lighting

You can get this scenery on their website for $27.47/AUD39.95/€24.63/£21.97 here.

Read also: Review: Orbx Melbourne International Airport for X-Plane 12

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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