Orbx has recently released their Global Vector add-on for Prepar3D v5, which was originally developed back in 2013 for FSX and P3D. This add-on creates new and more accurate OSM data in the simulator.
This version is for Prepar3D v5 only and is derivative of the original Vector for P3D. The developer was forced to remake it because Prepar3D v5 has completely new OSM data by default.
The main difference between original and this vector is the removal of adjusted airport elevations for default airports. This component is not compatible with v5, the developer said. The developer thought that the Vector would be useless in Prepar3D v5 because it has newer OSM data and also a lot of ICAO codes were changed, so it would cause problems in P3D v5 with outdated vector. This version of it contains “only” the landscape files as roads and railroad network, shorelines, rivers, golf courses, parks, etc.
This version is free to all customers who already bought Vector for Prepar3D v3, v4. However, if you are interested in buying this add-on, you can do so on Orbx website or through Orbx Central for AUD$49.95