12.5.2021 – 14:44z

Orbx Releases NZ Mesh for MSFS

Announced just yesterday, Orbx has today released the New Zealand Mesh scenery, officially known as NZ Mesh, for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The product brings a custom mesh to the area of New Zealand at a 10-meter resolution.

It is the first product from Orbx that was developed using their new proprietary approach for custom terrain meshes for Microsoft Flight Simulator. It does not modify the default mesh or any other files in the simulator.

The developers at Orbx made sure that LOD morphing and blurring will not occur while using the scenery. Additionally, there should be no noticeable performance impact while flying around the area, and we can expect future updates to the scenery with LIDAR making the resolution up to 1 meter.

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The scenery can be purchased through the Orbx website or Orbx Central for about €10.25 without taxes applied. Once installed, it takes about 530MB of space on your drive.

Key Features

  • High-resolution 10m DEM data
  • Minimal performance impact
  • Compiled to reduce LOD morphing
  • Self-contained product
  • Planned updates with LIDAR

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