Chudoba Design took to their Facebook page to share the first previews of Project People on the X-Plane flight simulator platform. This is the first preview shared by the team after the project was announced in late March of this year.
In the sixteen-second video posted by the team on their Facebook page, a person is standing near the tarmac of an airport. A low poly render of the person, shows him looking around the tarmac while supposedly swaying with the wind at the airfield. As this is the first real-time test with real-world data, the character is not very detailed and is devoid of any colors. The team did not share any additional information regarding the project.
What is Project People?
Announced in March of this year, Project People is a library that intends to bring animated people to the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator and X-Plane. The team after making a significant breakthrough with inverse kinematics animations in X-Plane decided to undertake this project to bring true-to-life animated people into X-Plane and if all goes well, into MSFS too. The library of animated people will be based on motion capture, and in the initial post announcing this project, the team stated they will rent a MOCAP studio for two weeks to capture various movements at an airport. These movements will be implemented on models and then import as an extensive library into X-Plane and later, into MSFS.
The team also mentioned in their initial announcement post that it will be free for all users and freeware scenery creators. Only payware scenery creators will need to pay a small fee for every airport using their library. Project People is the team’s most ambitious and large-scale project announced. Further previews and screenshots can be expected in the coming weeks. For further reading do check out our coverage of other X-Plane releases, news, announcements, reviews, and much more.