Welcome to the twenty-second installment of The Workshop – a series dedicated to the latest news and updates regarding FlyByWire’s work on the A32NX and the upcoming A380. Our previous episodes can be read here. The Workshop is written directly by the FlyByWire team within the FSNews and FlyByWire partnership.
Features of the Week
This week, some features or improvements have been merged into the latest development version of the aircraft.
- Custom autobrake system
- Improvements to hydraulics logic
- Engine startup sound tweaks
- Updated brightness knobs on display units for more realistic control
- Minor fixes to AOC functionality
Work in Progress
- flyPadOS v2!
- Compatibility with Sim Update 5
- Secondary engine startup parameters – Oil PSI, quality and temperature, N1 and N2 vibrations
- Simulating the ADIRS system, which will include independent sensors and ADIRUs
- Pressurization system
- Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Early work on advanced LNAV features (RF legs, etc.) and early VNAV features (pseudo-waypoints, etc.)
- Rewritten ND in ReactJS
Outside the Hangar
As our first anniversary draws near, we are preparing to host a celebratory In the Hangar episode full of new previews in August or September (TBA). To compensate there will not be a live stream in July.
To keep you up to date and give everyone the chance to ask us questions, we will be hosting an informal community event dubbed “Outside The Hangar”. Everyone will have the chance to join in, and be selected to ask a question to the dev team.
The event is scheduled for 1900Z July 10th, 2021. We will be using Discord’s new Stages feature for this event. All you have to do is to look for the green broadcast icon at the top of the left sidebar when the event goes live and join the channel! Do note that you have to raise your hand and wait for your turn to ask a question.
You can join our Discord server using this link: https://discord.gg/flybywire
Summer Screenshot Competition
We are preparing to start our summer-themed screenshot competition soon! It will be held on Discord with a dedicated channel for user submissions much like our previous competition. There will be prize(s) available, but we’d really love to be able to see our community’s creative side and maybe even feature some of your images as part of the prize list.
We’ll have more information on the requirements for submissions soon, so please stay tuned to our Discord or social media.
Our next episode of The Workshop is scheduled to be published on July 23rd.