27.3.2021 – 18:44z

Microsoft Flight Simulator v1.14.6.0 Patch Released

The developers at Asobo Studios have yesterday, as scheduled in their latest development update, released a new patch for the Microsoft Flight Simulator bringing it to version

Whilst being a minor update, it still brings some interesting fixes and features. To be more specific, it focuses on improving the performance of the simulator while in the menus and during the flight, especially when flying close to large airports.

Additionally, the navigation data in the simulator was updated to accurately represent the latest AIRAC cycle. With that being said, flight simmers can now fly on online networks without needing to stress about inaccurate data.

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In regards to the performance optimizations, it was stressed by the developers, that some addons may impact the simulator’s performance and behaviour, and so moving content from your community folder to another folder before launching the title was recommended.

The update will be automatically prompted upon the launch of the simulator.

Release notes

  • Performance optimizations when flying close to large airports such as Dallas-Ft Worth (KDFW)
  • Performance optimizations of server requests when in the menus and during flight
  • The Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control (AIRAC) cycle is being updated with new navdata.

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