Released on October 20th, the latest update to CaptainSim’s popular 757 brings a number of fixes. Multiple known bugs have been fixed.
Some examples of such bugs are control columns not moving when on autopilot, alternate flaps electric motor not working, flaps being inop as soon as engines are off. Some navigation system bugs have been fixed as well, namely speed dropping by more than 15kts from commanded speed in VNAV over FL100.
In order to update your 757 you will need to log in your profile on the CaptainSim website, navigate to the product, click Extended Download service and download the latest version.
If you wish to acquire the CaptainSim 757 you can do so via their online store, the base pack costing 75.70$, on constant sale from 99.99$.
- C2 shedding: the PRESS light should be illuminated when no engines are on once all 4 ELEC pumps are on.
- Flaps inop as soon as the engines are OFF.
- ALTN Flaps elec motor doesn’t work.
- It would be great so see the control columns move when on autopilot.
- VNAV descent above FL100 always results in speed dropping over 15 knots from commanded speed and THRUST REQUIRED message.
- Attempting to disconnect Auto Throttle during cruise using the thrust lever button. Autothrottle remains engaged, and SPD mode re-annunciates on the FMA.
- Autopilot warning and yellow line through GS FMA in last 20 feet of landing.