
QualityWings 787-10 Preview Stream

QualityWings today announced on their official Facebook page, that member of their team will do a preview stream of their brand new 787-10.

QualityWings today announced on their official Facebook page, that member of their team will do a preview stream of their brand new 787-10. QualityWings 787-10 is the longest version of 787.

The stream is going to be 4th June 2019 from 16:00 AM (CET) or 10:00 PM (EDT) on NickFlightX Twitch channel. NickFlightX will be flying a 4-hour flight between San Francisco and New York.

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QualityWings today announced on their official Facebook page, that member of their team will do a preview stream of their brand new 787-10.

QualityWings today announced on their official Facebook page, that member of their team will do a preview stream of their brand new 787-10. QualityWings 787-10 is the longest version of 787.

The stream is going to be 4th June 2019 from 16:00 AM (CET) or 10:00 PM (EDT) on NickFlightX Twitch channel. NickFlightX will be flying a 4-hour flight between San Francisco and New York.

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