Flight Simulation networks can certainly be daunting for some, be it a newcomer or even experienced flight simmers. In-depth and quality guides online can be hard to find and could be confusing, or even contain wrong information. But recently we saw the release of RDPresets’s ATC guide, containing the information needed for flying online ATC networks in any flight sim.
The guide in short gives you the information you need to know when it comes to flying on an ATC network. Ranging from IFR and VFR Phraseology, to filing a flight plan and much much more. The guide is useful for everyone; if either you are new to ATC networks, or you are an experienced flyer, there is still something to learn from this guide.
Going in more depth to the guide; chapter one and two introduces the user to some basic knowledge of ATC, including IFR and VFR abbreviations, the phonetic alphabet, airspaces, and communication. As well as everything you need to know about charts and why they important while flying online. Everything in these chapters are covered to a detailed level, and is also not too difficult to understand for a beginner.
Chapter three to four explains everything you need to know about the ATIS and flight plans when flying online. Including how to read the ATIS, and configure an appropriate flight plan for flying online. Like the first two chapters, chapter three to four goes into an impressive level of depth, whilst maintaining a level of intelligibility for less educated simmers.
Chapter five to six contains all you need to know about VFR flying, as well as flying in uncontrolled airports. Chapter five gives insight into flying VFR, and how to communicate with ATC while flying VFR, including how to communicate with different stations (delivery, ground, tower etc) as well as traffic circuits, the level of detail included is quite impressive. Accompanying chapter five is chapter six which details flying online at uncontrolled airport, as well as what to do, and what not to do while flying at uncontrolled airports.
The final two chapters (7-8) go into detail about IFR phraseology as well as non normal procedures. Chapter seven tells you everything there is to know about speaking to ATC while flying IFR, covering all aspects of a flight including go-arounds and holding. The final chapter includes information on non normal procedures, which details PAN and MAYDAY, how to call them, and how to decide between a PAN or MAYDAY call during an emergency situation while flying online.
In conclusion the entire guide is neat and easy to navigate. It is not difficult to read or understand. The guide covers all things you need to know whilst flying online, and while you won’t become an instant professional upon reading it, you will learn a lot or at least something whether you are new to flight sim or not.
The guide can be purchased at RDPresets’s website here for €6.99.
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