17.8.2023 – 16:56z

Popular Streamer Chewwy94 Joins MSFS Official Community Team

In a surprise move to the simulation flying community, Microsoft adds another well-known streamer and flyer to their team: Chewwy94. The MSFS Official Community team has added Matt as their European Community Manager. Matt (Chewwy94) is the well-spoken British guy from Oxford, England, who streams five days a week and has been doing this for seven years. All that hard work has paid off.

Meet Matt (Chewwy94)

Matt’s popularity has grown immensely over the past 7 years and he appears on all the major social platforms. He is known to stream airliners for multiple flights and for many hours in a row. His YouTube channel displays countless flying videos which are both informative and entertaining. He has 44K followers on YouTube and 65K followers on Twitch. “I am self-classified as the world’s hairiest desk pilot” is his byline on Twitch and given that he is named after the hairiest character in Star Wars seems to fit. With his previous background as an eSports commentator, these qualities make Matt the perfect choice for handling Community Manager duties in his new role with Microsoft and the MSFS community.

Matt is very excited about his new role with the Microsoft Community team. You may remember another high-profile MSFS streamer, SeedyL, who was added to the team a year and a half ago. SeedyL now manages the weekly Community flying sessions on the MSFSOfficial Twitch channel, among other duties for the North American community. SeedyL’s addition helped spread out more of the work amongst the Community Team, easing the overall strain. The Microsoft team now has a European Manager in Matt and can represent that part of the world in the MSFS community of flyers.

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Why do they Need Another Community Manager?

Jayne Reynolds, the Senior Community Manager of MSFS has shared this statement with FSNews, “We are excited to have Chewwy94 onboard the MSFS Community Team. He brings a ton of sim and aviation knowledge and already has established a great rapport with the flight sim community. Currently, our community team is mostly NA-based, so having another Community Manager based in the EU will help fill out some gaps in our time zone to ensure we continue listening and engaging with our community more frequently. Chewwy94 will help out with all aspects of community management, from engaging in content creation to analyzing social sentiment and everything in between. I expect he will have a lot to bring to the table, and I can’t wait to work with him on a daily basis!

Jayne was hired by Shaun Kiedrowski, the original community manager, now the Director of Consumer Engagement. Jayne has been the face of MSFS in the weekly fly-along Twitch streams and flying lessons for almost three years now, as MSFS celebrates its three year anniversary. Managing all the social platforms and livestreaming flying sessions on Twitch was a very demanding job and the overall MSFS Community team gradually added more community managers.

With all the hype and curiosity surrounding Microsoft’s new version of MSFS arriving next year, the MSFS Community team is smart to grow the team before the bigger avalanche of new flyers in the year to come. To date, over twelve million users have MSFS, and the workload on the MSFS team has been growing right alongside it.

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Chewwy94 announced on his recent personal Twitch stream, “I realize that I am but a tiny little cog in a much bigger picture that is MSFS” He shows how excited he is in his first personal Twitch stream since accepting the job and mentions how busy he will get while juggling his personal stream and the new job, representing MSFS to the European Community. If you would like to know more about Matt (Chewwy94), you can visit his website at https://www.chewwy94.co.uk/.

Chewwy94 has a wealth of aviation knowledge and a huge following already. His charisma and experience working with large crowds are a perfect fit for this new job role. Now his community just got a whole lot bigger!

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