Welcome to the twentyfirst installment of The Workshop – a series dedicated to the latest news and updates regarding FlyByWire’s work on the A32NX and the upcoming A380. Our previous episodes can be read here. The Workshop is written directly by the FlyByWire team within the FSNews and FlyByWire partnership.
Features of the Week
This week, some features or improvements have been merged into the latest development version of the aircraft.
- ISIS auto brightness
- ISA DEV on ECAM SD permanent area (bottom part of lower ECAM)
- ILS auto-tuning functionality
- Optimization of autopilot, systems and FADEC WASM modules (should result in faster loading times)
- Auto-print of AOC messages when PRINTER format is selected
The dev team have been working continuously to improve the sounds that can be heard in all parts of the A320, some of the sounds that have been improved and merged into the latest development version include:
- Avionics fan sounds (now in stereo!)
- Yellow and Blue electrical hydraulic pumps.
MCDU keyboard entry
It is now possible to use your keyboard to enter data into the MCDU. The scratchpad and header will be highlighted (as shown in the image below), and the sim camera / keybinds locked while it’s active. We will publish a detailed guide for pilots to fully understand this feature soon.
Work in Progress
- flyPadOS v2!
- Compatibility with Sim Update 5
- Secondary engine startup parameters – Oil PSI, quality and temperature, N1 and N2 vibrations
- Simulating the ADIRS system, which will include independent sensors and ADIRUs
- Pressurization system
- Custom Flight Plan Manager
- Rewritten ND in ReactJS
Our next episode of The Workshop is scheduled to be published on July 9th, 2021.