StableSystem from Zero Dollar Payware has introduced a new program aimed to help new and experienced scenery developers with their projects. Zero Dollar Payware has an extensive background in the community with countless releases and cooperations with noteworthy developers.
In the program, developers who apply will be able to get one on one mentoring sessions from the experienced developers at Zero Dollar Payware. The team at Zero Dollar Payware will be ready to assist and answer any questions.
The program is not paid, and anyone is free to apply.
There are no set requirements, both experienced and new developers can apply through the designated Google Forms. The program lasts 10 weeks. StableSystem further stated that if the developer will impress the team within their period in the program, they will be offered a position at the Zero Dollar Payware team.
You can join with any level of experience and work on your own project, new or ongoing. Over the course of 10 weeks you will get advice, feedback, and may ask as many questions as you want. New developers can make use of this to quickly come up to speed with building an airport.
StableSystem, Zero Dollar Payware
Going further through the post:
Experienced developers can utilize the program to learn advanced modeling, texturing, and scenery development techniques which are normally known only by payware developers. If you are motivated and want to improve your scenery creation skills then you are encouraged to apply.
StableSystem, Zero Dollar Payware
It was stressed, that no projects developed as part of the Developer Mentorship Program will be branded or affiliated with Zero Dollar Payware. It is only on the developer if he credits Zero Dollar Payware for any assistance with the development.
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