Read more from Darun below
My love for aviation was sparked in 2013 at Le Bourget Airshow, after seeing the A380 doing its spectacular display. Since then, I have turned to flight simulation to experience the thrill of being in command of aircraft. My passion for writing as well as my strong interest in aviation has led me to join this fantastic team and contribute to the flight sim community with punctual and reliable articles on the latest news and events.
10.5.2024 - 14:55z
Orbx’s Kola Terrain for DCS: Available Now!
DCS Kola can only be described as a map of massive scale and enormous passion. The Kola Terrain for DCS…
1.9.2024 - 12:53z
Fly2High Releases Interesting Aspen County Airport for MSFS
Fly2High have released their Aspen County Airport (KASE) rendition for Microsoft Flight Simulator. The developer unveiled the scenery through's…
9.8.2024 - 18:18z
MK Studios Releases Brilliant Naha Airport for MSFS
MK Studios took to their social media pages to announce the release of their Naha Airport (ROAH) rendition for Microsoft…
3.8.2024 - 10:19z
Orbx Releases Adaptable Global Trees HD for MSFS
Orbx took to their social media pages to announce the release of their Global Trees HD add-on for Microsoft Flight…
27.6.2024 - 21:04z
PMDG Reflects on Eventful 777 Release: Future Plans and Lessons Learned
Robert Randazzo took to the PMDG forums to reflect on the release campaign of their Boeing 777 rendition for Microsoft…
8.4.2024 - 18:31z
Virtavia Releases Imposing B-1B Lancer for MSFS
Virtavia, a developer known for their military aircraft renditions, took to their website to announce the release of their B-1B…
24.3.2024 - 18:37z
Shrike Simulations F-86 Sabre Release Date Announced for MSFS
Shrike Simulations, a subsidiary developer of Blackbird Simulations, took to their social media platforms to announce the release date of…
3.3.2024 - 20:28z
TaiModels Releases Manchester Airport For MSFS
TaiModels took to their Facebook page to announce the release of their Manchester Airport (EGCC) rendition for Microsoft Flight Simulator.…
21.2.2024 - 19:27z
FSDG Releases Scenic Kefalonia Airport for MSFS
FSDG took to their Facebook page to announce the release of their Kefalonia Airport (LGKF) rendition for Microsoft Flight Simulator.…
31.1.2024 - 23:26z
Fly2High Announces Sofia Airport 2.0 Release Date for MSFS
Through their Facebook page, Fly2High uploaded a trailer and announced the release date for their revised Sofia Airport (LBSF) V2…
31.1.2024 - 17:04z
FSoares Releases Impressive Brasília Airport for MSFS
FSoares took to their Facebook page to announce the release of their highly anticipated Brasília International Airport (SBBR) rendition for…