X-Crafts’ Marko Mamula has shared a new video through the developer’s YouTube channel showcasing the process of getting the new E190 ready from Cold & Dark state. Whilst X-Crafts already has the E190 in their portfolio, this is a completely reworked version that is going to be part of a new pack (E-Jets Family).
As Marko previously stated, back when the existing E190 was developed, the developers didn’t have as much data as they have now, allowing them to bring an entirely new level of immersion to the addon with the rework.
Of course, if you’d like to learn more about the upcoming E-Jets Family, you can read one of our previous articles by clicking here.
In the video, Marko went through the initial electricity startup to takeoff at London City Airport. Whilst commenting on various features and even errors the E190 for X-Plane currently has, he has also given us a better idea of the state it is in.
The addon was announced to be for X-Plane 11, however, one of the tags under the video suggests that the team plans to bring it to X-Plane 12 as well. This should not, however, be considered a formal confirmation.
The pricing and release timeframe is yet to be announced. You can watch the video below.