
Rising Dawn Studios KRAL Scenery for X-Plane 11

Developer Rising Dawn Studios has been working on KRAL scenery for X-Plane 11 for a while and now we have here some screenshots from the actual scenery.

Developer Rising Dawn Studios has been working on KRAL scenery for X-Plane 11 for a while and now we have here some screenshots from the actual scenery.

This airport is located in four miles southwest of downtown Riverside, California. KRAL is served by GA only. There are no airline scheduled flights. In the past it was served by Air West and Golden West Airlines with service to LAX, Las Vegas, and Palm Springs in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.

More updates coming soon!

Read also: Orbx Releases Emerald Airport for MSFS

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Developer Rising Dawn Studios has been working on KRAL scenery for X-Plane 11 for a while and now we have here some screenshots from the actual scenery.

Developer Rising Dawn Studios has been working on KRAL scenery for X-Plane 11 for a while and now we have here some screenshots from the actual scenery.

This airport is located in four miles southwest of downtown Riverside, California. KRAL is served by GA only. There are no airline scheduled flights. In the past it was served by Air West and Golden West Airlines with service to LAX, Las Vegas, and Palm Springs in the 1950s, 60s and 70s.

More updates coming soon!

Read also: vFlyteAir Updates PA-30 Twin Comanche for MSFS

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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