
New Flight Yoke for Civil Aviation Fans Announced by Virpil Controls

Virpil Controls took to their forum page yesterday to announce exciting news about a new flight yoke project, “Advanced Flight Yoke Project.

Virpil Controls took to their forum page yesterday to announce exciting news about a new flight yoke project, “Advanced Flight Yoke Project.” Virpil Controls’s announcement claims that they “are setting out to create the best yoke controller available to virtual pilots, at an attainable price.”

What do we know?

Virpil states that their R&D team has paid close attention to the civil aviation segment of the flight simulation community and has set out to “break the mold and bring features not often seen in yoke controllers.” They state that the new Yoke will feature everything that Virpil Controls are known for such as their premium metal construction, adjustability, high-precision contactless digital sensors, and a dedicated eco-system with swappable yoke handles.

Further along the announcement, Virpil also confirmed that they are working on a wider range of devices for civil aviation, including an advanced throttle unit and a lineup of panel devices.

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Virpil Controls Announces New Flight Yoke

At the moment the flight yoke is not available for purchase, however, it is stated in the announcement that Virpil Controls will be launching a Kickstarter Campaign on the 1st of October this year. They state that the purpose of this Kickstarter campaign is to observe the demand, communicate with the community, and shape the current project, and other future projects.

The post then goes on to state that Kickstarter supporters will receive preferential “early-bird” pricing as well as access to an exclusive forum for project discussion which will allow the supporters to have a part in shaping the project.

At the time of release, the yoke will not feature any form of Force Feedback. However, Virpil states in the announcement that they are working hard to find solutions to the issue. However, to keep costs down and make the devices more affordable for consumers, the decision was made to exclude force feedback for the time being.

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Closing Notes

Not much information is available beyond what was stated in the post. However, Virpil did state more news will be announced as the month progresses. At the moment, the price for the new flight yoke is slated to cost around EUR 500. Stay tuned to FSNews for any new updates as Virpil Controls releases new information regarding their new flight yoke.

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

Virpil Controls took to their forum page yesterday to announce exciting news about a new flight yoke project, “Advanced Flight Yoke Project.

Virpil Controls took to their forum page yesterday to announce exciting news about a new flight yoke project, “Advanced Flight Yoke Project.” Virpil Controls’s announcement claims that they “are setting out to create the best yoke controller available to virtual pilots, at an attainable price.”

What do we know?

Virpil states that their R&D team has paid close attention to the civil aviation segment of the flight simulation community and has set out to “break the mold and bring features not often seen in yoke controllers.” They state that the new Yoke will feature everything that Virpil Controls are known for such as their premium metal construction, adjustability, high-precision contactless digital sensors, and a dedicated eco-system with swappable yoke handles.

Further along the announcement, Virpil also confirmed that they are working on a wider range of devices for civil aviation, including an advanced throttle unit and a lineup of panel devices.

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Virpil Controls Announces New Flight Yoke

At the moment the flight yoke is not available for purchase, however, it is stated in the announcement that Virpil Controls will be launching a Kickstarter Campaign on the 1st of October this year. They state that the purpose of this Kickstarter campaign is to observe the demand, communicate with the community, and shape the current project, and other future projects.

The post then goes on to state that Kickstarter supporters will receive preferential “early-bird” pricing as well as access to an exclusive forum for project discussion which will allow the supporters to have a part in shaping the project.

At the time of release, the yoke will not feature any form of Force Feedback. However, Virpil states in the announcement that they are working hard to find solutions to the issue. However, to keep costs down and make the devices more affordable for consumers, the decision was made to exclude force feedback for the time being.

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Closing Notes

Not much information is available beyond what was stated in the post. However, Virpil did state more news will be announced as the month progresses. At the moment, the price for the new flight yoke is slated to cost around EUR 500. Stay tuned to FSNews for any new updates as Virpil Controls releases new information regarding their new flight yoke.

Feel free to join our Discord server to share your feedback on the article, screenshots from your flights or just chat with the rest of the team and the community. Click here to join the server.

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