Last previewed earlier this year at FlightSimExpo, Marko from X-Crafts has earlier this month taken to his Facebook Page to share two new previews of the much anticipated E-Jets Family for X-Plane 11.
Each of the previews showcases a different seat model that is expected to be featured in the aircraft cabin. One showcases the seat from the business class, and the second showcases the economy class seat.
Perhaps, the same seats will be used throughout the whole product range. Although the previews were taken in the modelling software, it’s clear the developers made use of PBR materials.
In the post, now new information was disclosed on the expected release date and pricing details. Thus, the release continues to be scheduled for the next year.
If you want to learn more about the development of the addon, we suggest reading through our previous article on the topic. Marko hopes to deliver a whole new experience from the original Embraer family. He hopes to achieve this by having much more information from pilots and engineers of the aircraft.
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